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Writer's pictureAni Petrova

Fintech Marketing Salary Trends - 2024 Survey Report

Updated: Jun 3

How much does the average fintech marketer earn? Find out in the report below which uncovers the results of our 2024 Fintech Marketing Salary Survey.

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Welcome to the reveal of the results of our annual Fintech Marketing Salary Survey for 2024!

With heartfelt gratitude, we extend our thanks to every member of the community who took the time to contribute to this survey. Your insights are invaluable, allowing peers across the industry to gauge whether their earnings align with market standards and make informed decisions about their future career moves and development.

Given the relative novelty of fintech marketing as a career path and the frequent discussions around compensation in our community, this survey aims to illuminate the realities of fintech marketing salaries, advocating for transparency and fair compensation practices as the industry grows.


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A few facts about the survey

  • 90 people filled in the survey, which is double the number of respondents in 2023.

  • 13 (14%) were freelancers/consultants/owners of an agency.

  • 5 people didn’t include their salary, so we didn’t include their responses in the salary trends reporting.

  • 72 people included their salary and were full-time marketers at a fintech company. However, some did not fill in every single section which is why not every section adds up to 72 responses. But we’ve included the total respondents in each one so you can see the pool for yourself.

  • We changed all the currencies to $, as of the exchange rate of 25/01/2024.

We’re extremely happy that the number of respondents has doubled this year. We hope that this number will continue to increase each year so we can get even more accurate results and a clear picture of the trends in fintech marketing in future editions of the research. 

Let’s get into the results!



This year, we’ve doubled the number of survey responses with 90 members sharing their insights, giving us a rich pool of data to dive into. First things first - it's heartening to see that both the average and median salaries for full-time fintech marketers are on the rise, indicating a positive growth trend in the sector's overall remuneration. 

In addition to looking at the average pay numbers, we’ve again dug into the various factors affecting these - like how B2B marketers stack up against their B2C peers, who’s getting stock options, and if the level of experience does (or doesn’t) bump up your salary. We also examined how different roles, benefits, and even gender can influence what fintech marketers take home. 

In light of the major layoffs and changes in the fintech sector in 2023, we’ve received an increased number of responses from freelancers and contractors in the community this year. So, we also looked at how their earnings compare to those of full-timers. 

And because we’re always looking forward, we further tapped into what’s on everyone’s agenda for 2024. It turns out there’s a big push on getting products to stand out and pulling in leads. This goldmine of insights isn’t just about numbers; it’s a conversation starter on fair pay and setting the standard across the board.

Whether you're evaluating your own salary, considering a new role, or setting compensation structures within your company, we hope that this year’s survey results will help you better navigate your career journey and growth.

Key results overview

  1. Doubling in participation: As the community grows, the number of survey respondents significantly surged from 45 in 2023 to 90 in 2024

  2. Most respondents worked for private and Series A companies: This year, the majority of respondents were from Private and Series A companies in contrast to last year when most respondents were from Seed-stage fintechs

  3. Increase in salaries: Over the past 12 months, both the average and median salaries for fintech marketers have gone up by 2% and 15%, respectively

  4. Experience and earnings correlation: The survey revealed that more experience generally leads to higher income, with a notable peak in salaries for marketers with 4-7 years of experience

  5. Persistent gender pay gap: Despite progress in many areas, the survey highlighted a significant gender pay gap, with men earning over 25% more than their female counterparts. This finding indicates an ongoing challenge in achieving pay equity within the fintech marketing industry

  6. Freelancing on the rise: Due to the major layoffs in the sector in 2023, we’ve seen a move towards freelancing and contracting by members of the community. Interestingly, the average income of a fintech marketing freelancer/contractor in 2024 is less than 10% lower than the average income of their full-time colleagues


How much does the average fintech marketer earn?

The average salary of a full-time fintech marketer is: $109,416

The ones who earn over $160k skew the average quite a lot, which is why we also wanted to look at the median. 

The median salary of a full-time fintech marketer is: $104,280 

This year, there is an increase in both average and median income -  from $106,893 and  $90,457 in 2023 - indicating a general rise in salaries in the fintech marketing sector.

Average fintech marketer income - graph


How much do B2B vs B2C fintech marketers earn?

The majority (80%) of the survey respondents were B2B fintech marketers earning on average $111,870, indicating nearly a 6% increase from the average B2B fintech marketing salary in 2023 of $105,839. 

Interestingly, the average B2C fintech marketer salary in 2024 was $102,288, nearly 3% lower than $105,200 in 2023. However, this is not a statistically significant trend due to the major difference in the number of respondents in both categories which skews the averages.


How many people get stock compensation?

Fintech marketing stock compensation graph

Similar to the 2023 trend, the majority of fintech marketers in 2024 receive stock compensation with their salary. The average salary of someone who gets stock compensation is again much higher this year - about 65%.


Did more experience translate into a higher income?

Fintech marketing experience vs income graph

More experience did not always equate to higher income in 2023, with a notable peak in the 4 - 7 years category. The significant salary jump in that category remains in 2024. However, due to the higher sample this year, we can see a clear growth pattern in the salary ranges as experience increases.


How much did each job title earn?

Fintech marketing job title vs income graph

The 2023 trend of higher seniority equaling higher salaries remains in 2024. This year again, the majority of respondents are marketing managers, but we had fairly large samples of more senior professionals like Heads, Directors and CMOs. 

Interestingly, this year, fintech marketing leads are earning slightly less on average than their manager peers.


What benefits and perks did everyone have?

Fintech marketing benefits graph

The full list of benefits we included in this question were:

  • Insurance (medical, life, disability)

  • Flexible work schedule

  • Paid parental leave

  • Free equipment

  • Professional development stipend

  • Retirement account with company

  • matching

  • Home office stipend

  • Mentorship opportunities

  • Gym/yoga/fitness reimbursement or

  • stipend

  • Paid sabbatical

  • Student loan repayment

  • Childcare reimbursement or stipend

The 2024 trends in benefits and perks in the sector are similar to those in 2023. Medical insurance, flexible working conditions, free equipment and paid parental leave are the top four most common additional benefits fintech marketers receive as part of their remuneration packages. 


Is there a gender pay gap?

Fintech marketing gender pay gap graph

Unfortunately, not all respondents identified their gender. Similar to the survey results in 2023, there is still a notable gender pay gap, with men earning over 25% higher than women or $25,924. 

To see if the gap persists with the level of seniority, we also looked at the salary ranges between the CMOs. At the CMO level, the gap seems to be diminishing with male CMOs earning just over 1.5% higher than their female peers.

What was the average income by country?

Fintech marketing income by country graph

In contrast to 2023, this year’s highest-paid fintech marketers were based across the UK, US & Canada, and Europe, with the latter leading the way. 

Quite surprisingly, the highest-reported salary was $285,786 by a Marketing Manager from a Norway-based Series B fintech.


What was the average income by funding stage?

Fintech marketing income by funding stage graph

Just like the results in 2023, the results here don’t follow a clear pattern. While last year most respondents were from Seed-stage fintechs, this year the majority are from Private and Series A companies. 

Quite expectedly, the highest-paid fintech marketers are in Public companies. But a bit of a shocking result here is that the lowest average salary entry was in the Series C+ category. However, the reason for this is an exceptionally low number of $9,642 stated by a respondent in the UK, which skews the average and might be an error as it seems unrealistic for the region.


What was the average income per marketing budget and team size?

Fintech marketing average income by budget size

In contrast to 2023, this year quite a few of the marketers from companies with smaller budgets below $10k were amongst the top earners in the sector, quite close to their peers with higher marketing spend. The highest-paid respondents were from fintechs allocating between $100,000 - $500,000 to marketing. 

Average fintech income by team size

The majority of marketing teams in fintech remain relatively small, between 2-10. This is a pretty standard trend in the B2B sector where most respondents work because these companies tend to focus more on sales and product rather than marketing. 


How much do fintech marketing freelancers and contractors earn? 

Following some major layoffs in the fintech sector in 2023, especially in marketing, there has been an increase in the number of practitioners turning to freelancing and contracting. So, expectedly, we received a significantly higher number of respondents (11) in this category this year. 

Thus, the average income of a fintech marketing freelancer/contractor in 2024 is $99,653 which is less than 10% lower than the average income of their full-time colleagues.


What are the priorities for fintech marketers in 2024?

In addition to understanding the fintech marketing salary trends, this year we wanted to get a better picture of what marketing areas the sector is focusing on so we asked our respondents to identify their top priorities for 2024. 

Fintech marketers priority for 2024

From the data, it’s clear that fintech marketers are zeroing in on making their products stand out and differentiating in the market. With improving product and market positioning, alongside driving leads and revenue, both at the forefront with 47 mentions each, the message is clear: growth and visibility are the names of the game in 2024. It seems there’s a shared goal not only to be seen but to resonate deeply with potential customers.

Then, with a keen eye on strategy, go-to-market execution also takes a prominent spot. Other important but less emphasised areas, like customer loyalty and brand strength, show that while the focus is on growth, there’s an underlying goal of building lasting relationships and a solid reputation. It’s a balanced dance between capturing interest and nurturing trust.


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What to do with this information

With the results of this survey, you can hopefully:

  • As an employee, speak with your leadership team to get a fair salary for your position. Perhaps a larger marketing budget, or even better benefits.

  • As a company, you can make a data-backed decision on what salaries to pay your employees in the marketing department.

  • Talk about pay gaps. The more we talk about pay gaps between coworkers, employees and friends, the more likely we are to tackle them.

So far, this is the only salary survey for fintech marketing that we’re aware of, and our plan is to do this every year so we can compare the numbers year over year.


Any questions or suggestions?

If you have any questions about the survey or have ideas for what we could include in the one next year. Get in touch and let us know here.


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Fintech Marketing Salary Trends 2024

Download a PDF version of the complete report below.


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